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Angie Singletary

Main Street Manager

101 West Lamar Street



Angie Singletary

Main Street Manager

101 West Lamar Street



Downtown Links of Interest

Americus-Sumter County Welcome Center

Planning on visiting historic Americus? Visit our Welcome Center on-line for listings of accommodations, restaurants, historic sites, local events and festivals and other interesting information on the Americus area.


Americus-Sumter County Chamber of Commerce

Our mission is to promote the civic, social, cultural, commercial, industrial, agricultural, educations and general economic growth, prosperity and welfare of the people of Americus and Sumter County.


Georgia Department of Industry Trade & Tourism

Find valuable information on the State of Georgia’s Tourism, Economic Development, International Trade, as well as film and video opportunities.


National Main Street Center

The National Main Street Center, a part of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, created the Main Street Approach to downtown revitalization and promotes the use of the approach to communities to revitalize their traditional commercial areas.. It serves as the nation’s clearinghouse for information, technical assistance, research and advocacy on preservation-based commercial district revitalization


The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation

The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation is headquartered in Atlanta and it’s website has valuable information regarding Historic Preservation, as well as the Georgia Main Street program. The Historic Preservation Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources serves as the State Historic Preservation Office in Georgia.


Georgia Southwestern State University Center for Business and Economic Development

The Center for Business and Economic Development at Georgia Southwestern State University, housed in the School of Business Administration, provides support services to existing and potential business, economic development agencies, and local governments in the area served by Georgia Southwestern. These services and assistance include conducting and dissemination of business and economic research, consulting services, and training and development of staff, workforce, and management.


Penny Post Cards of Americus, Georgia

This website takes you back to when post cards were only 1¢. They are shown for your enjoyment.


Sumter County Genealogy

The Sumter County Genealogy site provides a source of information for all those with connections to Sumter County, Georgia. 


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